The Lands of NoR (NoRSim)
At over 1500 members, this is the core group for NoR announcements, and the place to request assistance. (Make sure when you request assistance from Admins, that you remember to keep your cool, and follow the few simple steps we've described for issue resolution.
This group is not to be used for arguing or general chat, players should refrain from interjecting on issues here, and keep the general chatter in the chatterbugs group.
The Lands of NoR (NoRSim)
In-World, you can paste this text, and then click it in your chat history:
NoR Chatterbugs (NorSim)
Chatterbugs is our (unofficial) place to chat.
The Main NoR Group "Lands of NoR (NoRSim)" group is reserved for important announcements and requests for assistance.
In this group we can talk about politics, laugh about the current RP, or whatever other random topics are on our minds.
Come, join, talk, laugh, and feel connected to us all!
NoR Chatterbugs (NorSim)
In-World, you can paste this text, and then click it in your chat history: